
Monday, December 20, 2010

Holden Uganda

This was posted yesterday from the girls over at Shanty2Chic and I wanted to share.  We serve a big God and I am praying He does amazing things through this ministry and the precious life of sweet baby Holden.

Hey guys!  Hope you all had a wonderful weekend.  I wanted to introduce you to a sweet new friend of mine.  I am honored to share her story with you.  The Lord used her story to minister to me and it is my prayer that He will do the same for you.  I can't wait to meet sweet Holden one day.  ~Whitney

God always has a plan and purpose. We may not understand His plans, but they are perfect.

My name is Sarah Erwin. My husband, Chet, and I were blessed with the life of our first child this year; Holden Newell Erwin was born on August 28, 2010. He had already gone to be with Jesus before he was born, but his little life has changed ours forever.

I “met” Whitney through a rather unconventional, unpleasant circumstance, but I am so grateful for the opportunity to connect. As you all know, Whitney and her blog are simply inspiring. I don’t need to tell you that.

For the past 3 ½ months, we have been through more pain than we knew existed. But we have also been given more hope than we knew possible.

Through the help of several friends, we have recently set up a non-profit project called Holden Uganda. We have always been passionate about the dire water situation in Africa, so this is a blessing beyond words.

Through the Lord working in the precious life of our son, we are able to provide clean drinking water to the Ugandan people. Please take a moment to visit to learn more.

I am honored more than words that Whitney has allowed us to share our story on Shanty2Chic!

Beauty will rise through ashes.
Humbly yours,

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