
Saturday, January 1, 2011

Seeds of Dreams

Happy New Year!!  I can't even believe how fast 2010 flew by!  I've never been one for New Year's resolutions, but this year I do have a specific prayer for the upcoming year.

I was watching Joyce Meyer the other day on tv (love her!) and she was talking about how every great goal you accomplish in life starts out as an idea you conceive.  This year I'm not setting specific goals, I'm only praying that the Lord would plant seeds of dreams in my heart and mind (and that I would have enough faith to follow them).

I've gone through a bit of an identity crisis this past year trying to figure out how I fit into the role as a stay at home mom.  It's amazing how fast you go from a full-time career - hoping for promotions and raises, to being at home - hoping to conquer the dishes and laundry.

I am truly blessed to have the ability to stay at home with my little man.  I am trusting and praying for God's direction in this new chapter of my life, and praying that this year he would plant seeds of dreams for myself, my family, and my home.  I am super excited for this next year and all that it may bring!

Proverbs 16:9 The mind of man plans his way, But the Lord directs his steps.

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