
Sunday, December 18, 2011

Installing Kitchen Canned Lighting and a Small Update

Today Handy Hubby and his handy electrician friend worked on installing canned lighting in the kitchen!  I have no pretty pictures for this and absolutely no expertise in this area.  Pretty much all I will show you are a bunch of holes in the ceiling!  But those holes mean progress!!

So the first thing they did was measure.... and measure again.... and measure again.  Their motto - measure three times cut once.  They actually used a jigsaw (in the last house hubby used a drill mounted hole saw).  Either way the holes were cut and perfect!

Here is one of the lights installed (they scraped some of the texture to do this - not a problem since the popcorn starts to come down tomorrow!).

All four lights installed!

They also worked on installing a ceiling brace for the light that will be installed over the island. 

All in all a successful day of work in the kitchen!  Here is how we left it today...

And because I can't leave a post without something pretty in it.  Here is a small update I worked on today!

Notice the stained glass above the door? It really had me fooled the first time I looked at the house.  It's actually just a window film!  It's a really genius idea, just not really my style.  Thankfully it was an easier fix than replacing the entire window!

I was amazed at how much this changed the look/feel of the room!  There is so much more light with it gone!  Makes me want to do a happy dance!

Another before...

And after!  Look at the gorgeous view that was hiding!! 

1 comment:

  1. Uugghh!! Fluorescent lighting is the worst in a kitchen..I just don't understand why people do that to themselves when they build homes...
