
Thursday, December 30, 2010

Hubby Laundry Sorting System

I LOVE this idea from Better Homes and Gardens.  Why didn't I think of this years ago???  It's the perfect hubby laundry sorting system with washing instructions (I give my hubby major props for helping with the laundry).

You can download the BHG version here.  I decided to make my own so I could add the washing instructions as well.  I found the perfect graphic from The Background Fairy to use for the cards. Her site is awesome! I think they turned out super cute!

I had the perfect scrapbook paper left over from another project.

I cut the paper and attached to the cards with glue dots (love those things).

I thought they needed a little something extra so I added these cute little tags that came with my scrapbook paper.

I painted my clothespins with Ceramcoat Bittersweet Orange from Hobby Lobby.

BHG recommended laminating them or using contact paper.  I haven't done that yet, but you can get machine-free laminating sheets from Walmart for about $1/each.

Doesn't it just make sorting laundry look so fun?!

Here are the cards I used if you'd like to make your own.  Drop these into word to add your own washing instructions!


  1. Another darling idea! I do something like this in my laundry room, but my labels aren't nearly as cute as yours :)

  2. Great idea and thanks for the links and graphics.

  3. I can't help but laugh. My husband and I argue all the time about laundry because I have this arbitrary system of clean and dirty baskets that changes weekly. There's no way the guy could know which is which. These would solve that problem. Excellent.
