
Friday, January 7, 2011

Wall Mount Vases

This was a pre-blog project, but it's still one of my favs so I wanted to share!  With all of my new year organizing with a bowl full of lemons I haven't had time for too many projects!

I have these wall mount vases hanging above our bathtub in the Master Bath!  So simple yet so fabulous!

I actually purchased these wall mount vases from Pottery Barn for about $15/each.  I know - ouch!  You can also get this same look using mason jars on a shelf, which you can pull off for less than $15!

The bottom of these are filled with coffee.  An old trick but a good one.  I love decorating with coffee beans, ground coffee and another fav of mine is eucalyptus pods.  Eucalyptus pods look great, add texture and best of all they smell amazing!  I've found them online for about $2/pound. 


  1. I like it- I never thought of using eucalyptus pods! They look like little buttons.

  2. i love the idea of vases on the wall...i haven't seen this before now :)

  3. Very unique idea and love how you used the eucalyptus pods! How are they attatched to the wall?

  4. Love them! I also love the color of your walls. I wish I had even a smidgen of your interior decorating talent!

  5. Very nice! It has such a clean look.

  6. i can see these have holes on the back that slip over a nail but I'm wondering how you might attach them to the wal if they don't have a hole on one side...the dollor store has some that look similar to this...but no hole on the back for attaching
