
Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Nursery Shelf and Storage Baskets

As my little man grows, so do his things!  We desperately needed some additional storage in his room, and a place to keep a few things out of his reach. I decided to add a shelf with some fun little baskets over his changing table.

Here's how it all came together:

I purchased a 12" x 36" wall shelf board from Home Depot for about $7.  Their wall shelving boards come in a variety of lengths and (a bonus) they're already white!  I also found these great corbels for about $8 each.

The corbels came ready with mall mounts already installed on the back. There are some that come without the wall mounting, so I had to search for these.  They are approximately 10.5" x 9" x 2".  The corbels are attached to the board with liquid nails and then a couple nails through the top for added security.

I feel guilty even telling you what I paid for the baskets!  During Michaels Dollar Days all their baskets were on sale.  I just happened to find the last two baskets in this style - they were clearanced out for $.01 each.  Yes $.01!!!  I asked the lady 3 times if that was right.  She said it was!  What???  I SOOO wished they had more!  I would have bought as many as my car could hold!

The ribbon ($5), plaques ($1/ea), and stenciles ($4) came from Walmart.  I gave the plaques a once over with some white acrylic paint and attached them along with the ribbon with hot glue.

I used the inside of the stencil (since I didn't have the right color paint to stencil them on), and glued them with some Mod Podge.

Total cost of the project was about $35!

While I was at Home Depot I also spotted this great stuff!! 

So fun!! I keep trying to figure out a project that I need some of this for!

For now I will just enjoy my extra storage!  Here are some additional pics:


  1. Storage is always a problem for me too, and walls are just the perfect place for all kinds of shelves, and storage solutions.

    Your little saying is so cute, and I bet it's helped a lot having those baskets now :)

    Keep your eye out to see if you'll be FEATURED next week, in my new sidebar feature section. :)

    Did you see my post about making a card for our soldiers??? You should really see if you can help out with this, I bet you could come up with something really special!!! Read about it HERE.

    THANKS so much for linking up to **AMAZE ME AUGUST**I love having you, and thanks to you, I'm getting close to my goal of having 100 link ups, YAYYY.

    Oh and PLEASE don't forget to come enter the giveaway from LUXE BLVD, she is now offering a $20.00 store CREDIT, so you can pick ANYTHING you want, how AWESOME right?? I would be so very thankful for the support, and so would STEPH !!!!

Bella :)

  2. loving your blog! i subscribed! :)
    just posted on nursery ideas today!!!
    first baby due end of june! i'll be needing your ideas!

  3. Hi there! It is kismet that I found your blog today and happened upon this post, because you have that picture up there from HD of the decorative metals and you need an idea for it. Well, I have an idea, and I have needed the metal, but couldn't find it! lol
    I want to make this:

    Love your blog!! :)
