
Monday, March 14, 2011

Decorative Sheet Metal Jewelry Holder

This project is genius!!!   It makes it so easy to see what jewelry you have.  I have a tendency to wear the same jewelry all the time because I forget what I have!

A few weeks ago I posted that while I was at Home Depot I saw this great stuff!

Thankfully my friend Merri from 2 Parents, 5 kids, 365 days told me about a great idea she saw, originally from Better Homes and Gardens.  It is simply brilliant!!

Home depot now carries these amazing decorative metal sheets.  So cool!  I found my sheet (which was 3' x 2') for $24 dollars.  I actually made 3 of them - you can buy smaller sheets for less.

My hubby cut my sheet using a circular saw.  I think it's about time for me to invest in some tin snips since I've needed them quite a few times!

My frame actually had tabs around the edges to hold the metal in place, but I did go back over it with a little bit of hot glue for extra support.

Next I added a tooth hanger and it was done!

I used S hooks to hang the necklaces. 

This hangs on the wall in my bathroom right outside my closet.  As you can see, I don't have a ton of jewelry, so this works perfectly for me!

I'm thinking I may paint the frame white and sand it so the dark shows through, but I kind of like the dark contrast with the bright walls.  What do you think?


  1. Wow- that turned out awesome. I made one of these with chicken wire and it looks sort of cheap- but yours is so elegant and beautiful.

    I am a new follower from the Monday Blog Hop and I would really appreciate it if you followed me too! Thanks!

  2. hi,
    I went to Home Depot this weekend just for one of these and no one knew what i was talking about...what department should i be looking in?

  3. Oh so pretty! I have been thinking about doing a lace one, but I like this so much better. I found you at Blue Cricket. Come visit me at

  4. I went to home depot yesterday and they didn't know what I was talking about! Grrrr...

    Cath @ Home is Where my Heart is:

  5. As ive been looking for it is called decorative metal....or decorative metal sheets....also radiator cover ...Hope that helps.

  6. I just made this and love it.. for any Canadian's we could not find it at Home Depot but did a Lowes.. expect a hefty price tag... $45 for the one I bought and it was the cheapest.. BUT I was able to make 4 out of one sheet and Im planning on selling 3 to make up my money.. YEAH!!! Very easy to make.. thanks for sharing this great project.

    1. Thanks so much Karen for the comment and all the great info! My sister has made 3 since we first made them, and she has them hanging collage style in her room with all her jewelry! So cute!
