
Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Burlap Magnet Board

I've seen these magnet boards all over blogland.  I'll show you how I did mine, but you can find additional tutorials here and here.

I bought the frame 40% off at Hobby Lobby. I bought the fabric from the Et Cetera shop - $.10 each!  Can't beat that!!

The first thing I did was stamp the burlap using a very advanced and highly technical method of stamping (not really... you can read about it here.)

Then I cut my burlap to the size I needed for the frame.

I picked up a tip from the lady at hobby lobby that I use all the time.  When I cut burlap I always pull 1 thread out to create a line to cut on.  Sometimes the thread is tight and you have to work it down the fabric by bunching the fabric.

I used a cardboard box for the back and cut it down to the size I needed to fit the frame.

I lucked out and found a piece of sheet metal that fit my frame so I didn't have to cut it. I payed around $4 for the sheet.  You can also buy larger sheets and cut them to size with tin snips.  I attached the cardboard and the sheet metal with hot glue.

I added glue dots to the four corners of the sheet metal to help hold my fabric in place, pulled the fabric tight over the front, and hot glued the edges to the back of the frame.

I thought it needed a little something extra, so I added some green fabric and another scrap of burlap that I frayed.

I love that I can stick things up with a magnet OR stick them underneath the fabric!

I use this board to hold my weekly cleaning schedule, which you can read about here!

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