
Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Weekly Cleaning Schedule

I made this cleaning schedule about 4 months ago, and tried a variety of ways to keep track of it. 

First, I tried to keep an excel spreadsheet saved on my computer for each week.  I learned that I'm more of an out of site out of mind kind of person and would always forget to update it.  Then I tried printing it out every week, which ended up getting lost around the house, and seemed like a waste of paper.  I thought about doing the planner.  But, finally came up with this solution!

This little guy sits right next the fridge in the kitchen, with my laminated schedule on it.  Here is the weekly schedule I use for cleaning.  I actually call them my "activities".  It just sounds more fun than "cleaning". Blah.

I haven't figured out how to link up documents, but if you want the excel file send me your e-mail address and I'll send it over to you!

You can find self laminating sheets at Wal-mart that look like this.  They're about $1 each.

I printed mine on pretty paper, followed the 3M laminating instructions, and then cut it down to the size I needed.  When you cut be sure and leave at least 1/4 inch around the seam or it will break the laminating seal.

Now I'm able to re-use this same page and use a dry erase marker to cross things out!

You can go here to read more about how I made the magnet board.  


  1. I love this idea. Can I get a copy?! I'm always looking for good ways to keep things straight. One of my resolutions is to get my life back in order and I'm still working on you still have my e-mail?

  2. Thanks for your kind words on my blog! I'm glad you liked it:-) I need to make a schedule for my "activities" be easier to keep up with that way instead of feeling like I'm doing laundry all the time! I'm your newest follower

  3. I would LOVE to be able to use your cleaning schedule this summer. Would you mind emailing it to me? THanks!

  4. Hello! Can you please email me this activity list; it's exactly what I've been looking for! becky.hayes07 at gmail dot com. Thank you!!

  5. Hi, Can you please send me a copy of you cleaning list. Thank you.

  6. Hey, I'd love it if you were to send me the file so that I can use this too, great idea!!!

  7. I would love a copy of your cleaning schedule please! ehwilli (at) gmail (dot) com
    Thank you!!!

  8. Send me a copy please! I love this lulustutuboutique
