
Thursday, January 13, 2011

The Versatile Blogger Award!

Oh my goodness - how exciting!  My first Blog award!  I'm pretty pumped that my friend Jen over at Little Wife Power House picked me!!  Check her blog out and read about her sweet baby boy Holden.

The requirements of the award are that I tell 7 things about myself.  So...

1. I have been saved by grace, and want to serve the Lord in all I do!
2. I have the best family in the world.  I love my husband will all my heart and I am such a proud momma to my little man.  
3. I love pretty things!  I used to say I'd take pretty over functional any day.... and then I had a baby and realized I can't function without functional.
4. I have 1/2 of my interior design degree.  Actually over half - 30 hours to go.  I would love to go back and finish it!!! BUT... I do have my BBA in marketing (not quite as fun).

5. I am a goof!  My husband and I can have a conversation that makes no sense at all, about nothing at all, but can laugh so hard we cry.
6. I always joke with my husband that I'm a dork at heart.  I LOVE spreadsheets, checklists, to-do lists - I'm into the details.
7. I love that I can look around our home and know that I got a good deal on 95% of the things in it.  It's such a good feeling!

The second requirement is that I pass it on to three other blogs, so I picked my three favs:

1.  The newest blog I'm following is My Lips Will Glorify You.  She's into Fashion, Home Decor and Crafts!
2. I recently came across Little Miss Momma's Blog.  She talks about her adorable little man, and she has some super cute things on etsy!
3. Oh the House of Smith's.  She is so inspiring. She does some amazingly beautiful things with her home!  Her blog had my whole family cracking up one night! 

Thanks so much Jen for the award!


  1. Just came across your blog and i {heart} it!! :)
    You have such awesome ideas!! (especially love the Picture & Card holder idea!!)... Congrats on the award!

  2. Thank you so MUCH! I'm THRILLED!!! You have made my day :)
    I feel so honored that you would think of me!
    Thank you SO MUCH!
    ~Shelley Smith

  3. Thank you thank you thank you for thinking of LMM! You are the sweetest! And CONGRATS to you for getting this award--you deserve it girl!

