
Saturday, July 9, 2011

4th of July!

It's been a while since I've done a post!  Hopefully it won't be as long until the next one.  I have so many projects I want to get done around the house, but this summer has been crazy busy!

We had some good friends over for the 4th of July and a party isn't a party without a few decorations!

Here are some of the pics:

I purchased these stars last year from Michael's.  They were ridiculously cheap - I think 80% off when I bought them.  My favorite time to shop for seasonal decorations is after the holiday is over.  You get such great deals!  I use these for the 4th, and sometimes on our tree at Christmas!

I purchased a few mini Christmas ornaments from the dollar store.  They were all 50% off.  Such a steal!  I knew I'd use these throughout the year for centerpieces. 

I found this awesome printable at Landee See Landee Do.  She has such cute ideas!!  And what's more all American than chocolate chip cookies???  They're a staple in my family's diet!  haha

I love these glass vases.  I've seen them everywhere and decided I needed some of my own. 

You can find super cheap glass vases and candlesticks. I think I paid .25 each for the candlesticks.  I already had the vases lying around. Perfect!

To glue the vases I used premium waterproof silicon.  This stuff is absolutely amazing!  There is no getting these apart once their glued (trust me I tried!!).  This is an absolute must when gluing glass!  You can find it at any hardware store - usually in the plumbing section.

Here's a plain pic of the vases.  Nothing too exciting here, just wanted you to see how I used a variety of candlesticks and vases that didn't necessarily match.

My good friend Leslie made some cupcakes in a jar.  You can find a tutorial here!  Such a cute idea and great to travel with!

We had such a fun 4th of July!  Can't wait til next year!

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