
Sunday, July 10, 2011

A few new Pictures...

Right now I have an obsession with black and white picture frames.  I bought 7 new ones from Walmart the other day!  They were a really good price and I had a few different places I thought I could put them.  The first was over our bed.  I absolutely LOVE this look, but I didn't have anywhere to put the vintage ceiling tiles and frames I currently have over the bed.

So... I ended up putting the ceiling tiles and frames back over the bed and took my new frames to the office!  The office has been one place that's been pretty neglected lately.  I was too busy with the rest of the house to really spend a lot of time in here.  My hubby picked out this paint color and I have always really liked it!

I've looked everywhere for good (and inexpensive) prints for pictures, with no luck.  So, although I'm sure it's not an original idea, I was pretty excited when this light bulb went off in my head...

Style by Saladino is one of my favorite interior design books.  LOVE it!

The pictures in here are ah-mazing!!  Seriously...  I've always had this book laying out on a table and look through it quite a bit.  But I thought why not frame some of the pictures??  This way I can enjoy them all the time!  So, that's what I did...

I took out my handy dandy cutter and cut out a few of my favorite pics

Beautiful and so much less expensive than buying individual prints or photographs! 

They add so much sophistication to the room!

I also got a new lamp shade.  It's amazing what a different a new lamp shade can make!  Check out the before and after!

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